M13 globluar cluster and NGC6207 galaxy. PixInSight Drizzle integration of frames: 19 lights ISO400 600sec CLS 2″ Svbony filter, dark, flat and BIAS; 12 lights ISO800 60sec CLS 2″ Svbony filter, dark, flat and BIAS. Postprod.: Photoshop and Lightroom Love so much to find 30 milions light years far away NGC6207 galaxy faint image on this picture.
Drizzle integration of 3 just lights, Gain20, 120sec, with ZWO ASI120MC-S on William Optics Redcat 51, 26 December 2020. Software: Kstars and PHD2 on Astroberry running on Raspberry Pi4b 8gb. Mount: Skywatcher EQM35 Pro Synscan GOTO. Postprod.: PixInSight, Photoshop, Lightroom