by Lan Jinru
[Chapters 7–10 of An Authentic Description of Shaolin Staff Methods, published Jan, 1930]
[translation by Paul Brennan, Nov, 2018]
第七章 棍進槍
開門式 第一動作
Person A (holding the staff), hold your staff with both hands, your right hand holding the tail of your staff in front of your chest, the center of the hand facing downward, your left hand grasping the body of your staff behind you, the center of the hand facing inward, causing your staff to be making a diagonal line against your left ribs. [Presumably due to the different authorship of this section, the “head” and “tail” of the staff are reversed to the tail being the thicker end and the head being the thinner end, something to keep in mind while studying these movement descriptions.] Your position in the practice space is in the southeast. (The orientations in these descriptions are assigned according to A’s perspective [in his initial position], even those for B.) [Being a clumsy way to establish orientations for a set in which two people switch places, I have replaced them with simple compass directions, same as for the Staff Versus Staff set (Chapters 2–6). However, in this section Person A instead begins on the left side of photo 1, causing the compass for the photos to be reversed. Also, the photos the Staff Versus Staff section maintain their orientations, whereas in this section there are several reverse views, causing the compass to flip again. Therefore for most of the photos, there is this compass:
E –↑– W
South is the back of the photo, north being the photographer, west on the right side, east on the left side. But for photos 15, 17, 25, 30, 38, 46, 47, and 49, there is the same compass as for all of the Staff Versus Staff photos:
W –↑– E
North in these cases is the back of the photo, south being the photographer, east on the right side, west on the left side.] Your left foot is forward, your feet just over a foot apart, both knees slightly bent, your left heel lifted, toes touching down, the weight on your right leg. Your chest is facing toward the north, your gaze toward B, and you slightly pause in this position.
Your right foot takes a step forward, then your left foot takes a step forward, toes again touching down, heel lifted. At the same time, your hands draw a large circle with your staff (your right hand holding the tail of your staff, your left hand holding the head of your staff), keeping it close to each side of your body, the tail of your staff arcing downward to the rear [on your right side] as the head of your staff arcs forward and upward [on your left side], then returning to the same position as before.
Person B (holding the spear), at the same time as A’s movement, you are holding your spear with both hands, your right hand grasping the end of your spear, the elbow bent, putting the end of your spear close behind your right ribs, the center of the hand facing inward, your left hand grasping the body of your spear toward the forward section, the arm straightened forward, the center of the hand facing upward, your hands just over two feet apart, the tip of your spear pointing toward A with the blade horizontal. Your position in the practice space is in the northwest, your right leg standing straight, your left foot forward, heel lifted, toes touching down, your feet about a foot and a half apart. Your chest is facing toward the south, your gaze toward A, and you likewise slightly pause in your position.
Your hands lift your spear above your head, your left hand letting go and sinking down, while your right foot takes a step sideways toward the southwest (coming down with the toes pointing toward the southwest) and then your left foot takes a step toward the northwest [thereby moving you farther away from A], turning you to your right from your original position with a small turn of your body toward the south, your chest still facing the same direction as before (except that now your right foot is forward), your right knee bending, left leg straightening behind, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. At the same time, your right hand lowers in front of your chest, the elbow bending, bringing the end of your spear close behind your right ribs, the center of the hand facing inward, as your left hand grabs your spear in front, the center of the hand facing upward, and twists inward until the center of the hand is facing downward, sending the tip of your spear outward with a snap, your hands just over two feet apart, the tip of your spear again pointing toward A. See photo 1 [each of these photos indicating 甲者 Person A (Chen Fengqi, who was also Person A in the Staff Versus Staff section) and 乙者 Person B (Liu Junling)]:

B, continuing from the previous posture, advance, (the number of steps you advance depending on the size of the practice space) and extend your spear with a stab toward A’s forehead.
A, you are also advancing (so that the two of you are now more toward the middle of the practice space). When you see the stab coming, your hands prop up over your head, fiercely bracing away B’s spear, your left foot forward, the knee straightening, your right leg slightly bending, your feet about a foot and a half apart, your waist slightly shrinking back. Your left arm is straightening upward and slightly forward, the center of the hand facing toward the northwest, fingers extended and supporting on the side of your staff, your right arm extended upward, the elbow slightly bent, the head of your staff pointing downward toward the southwest. Your chest is facing toward the northwest, your gaze toward B.
B, when stabbing, your right hand forcefully shoots out, your left hand supporting in front of your chest, your right hand finishing about half a foot away from your left hand. Your left foot is forward, the knee bending, your right leg straightening, making a small bow & arrow stance, your feet about a foot and three quarters apart. Your upper body is slightly reaching forward, your gaze toward A. See photo 2:

A, after bracing away B’s spear, take advantage of the gap at B’s lower body by using both hands to send your staff from left to right, your left hand staying forward, with a fierce smashing action toward B’s [front] foot [as your shift your weight forward onto your own front foot].
B, when you see A’s staff smashing toward you, suddenly jump back a large step with both feet as your right hand draws back the end of your spear to your right ribs, your left hand still in front of your chest, the center of the hand facing upward. Then finish in the same posture as in the previous movement, advancing and stabbing toward A’s forehead, the position of your left hand not changing as your right hand again shoots forward, finishing about half a foot away from your left hand, your left foot forward, again making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the southeast, your gaze toward A.
A, when you see the stab coming, send the head of your staff from right to left with a fierce hanging action, your right knee slightly bending, your left foot in front with its toes touching down, heel lifted, your feet just over a foot apart, the weight shifting onto your right leg. The head of your staff is pointing upward, your left elbow bending, your right hand sinking down, the center of your left hand facing forward. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward B. See photo 3:

A, after sending away B’s spear with a hanging action, raise your staff over your head with both hands and bring it behind your head (your left hand in this moment letting go and lowering, your right hand alone holding your staff). Then as your right foot takes a step toward the west, your right hand sends your staff from behind your head, passing the right side of your body, and suddenly attacking B’s foot with a “sweeping the hall” action, [your left hand correspondingly rising up,] your feet about two feet apart, both legs bending, making a horse-riding stance, but with your waist bending forward. Your chest is facing toward the south, your gaze toward B.
B, when you see A’s staff sweeping toward you, your feet suddenly jump up high and your right hand quickly withdraws the end of your spear behind your right ribs, your left hand still forward, the center of the hand facing upward, the tip of your spear pointing toward A. [When you land,] your right knee bends, your left foot forward, the knee also slightly bent, toes touching down, heel lifted, your feet just over a foot apart, the weight shifted onto your right leg. Your chest is facing toward the south, your face toward the east, your gaze toward A. See photo 4:

B, advance with a follow step (meaning that your left foot steps out and your right foot closely follows behind it), stabbing straight toward A’s right shoulder, your right hand stopping about half a foot behind your left hand. This action of stabbing toward A is the same as in the previous posture.
A, when you see the stab coming, hold your staff with both hands, your left hand going forward, the center of the hand facing outward, grabbing your staff with a covering grip, your right hand and the tail of your staff hiding below your left ribs, and your left hand forcefully goes toward your body’s right rear, fiercely seeking the tip of B’s spear, your body slightly turning to the right. At the same time, your right foot withdraws a half step, your chest facing toward the west, your left knee bending, your right foot in front, heel lifted, toes touching down, your feet just over a foot apart, the weight on your left leg. You are facing toward the west, your gaze toward B. See photo 5:

B, again withdraw your spear, your feet staying where they are, then extend your spear, stabbing toward A’s right shin.
A, when you see the stab coming, your right foot quickly withdraws a step behind you as your right hand draws an arc with the tail of your staff until it is at your right ribs, causing the head of your staff to go across diagonally, and fiercely seize downward, sending the head of your staff to touch the ground toward the southwest [northwest], your right knee bending, left leg straightening, your feet about two feet apart, the toes of both feet pointing toward the south [north]. Your chest is also facing toward the south [north], your torso slightly bending forward, your gaze toward B. See photo 6:

B, your left hand is shifted forward, the center of the hand facing upward, as your right hand withdraws behind your ribs, your feet staying where they are. Then stab toward A’s head, your left hand being shifted to the rear as your right hand shoots forward, stopping about half a foot behind your left hand.
A, when you see the stab coming, your hands fiercely prop up B’s spear, your left hand going upward and slightly forward, the arm straightening, the hand about half a foot lower than your right hand, the center of the hand facing toward the north, fingers opened, supporting the side of your staff, your right hand going upward, the elbow slightly bent. Your legs do not change their position from the previous posture, but your torso lifts to become upright. Your gaze is toward B. See photo 7:

A, after propping away B’s spear, your left toes swing outward toward the south, then your right foot steps forward, the foot coming down sideways, the toes pointing toward the south, the knee straightening, your right [left] knee bending, your feet just over two feet apart, the weight shifted onto your left leg. As your right foot steps out, your left hand sinks down and your right hand sends your staff past your head, behind your body, through the area to your right, and fiercely sweeping toward B’s left foot.
B, your left hand slightly loosens, but your posture remains the same as your right hand withdraws behind your right ribs. When you see A’s staff sweeping toward your foot, your feet suddenly jump up high and come down to the rear, your left foot still forward, your feet just over a foot apart, both knees slightly bent. Your chest is facing toward the northwest, the tip of your spear pointing toward A, your gaze toward A.
A, continuing from the sweep, turn around leftward so that your chest is facing toward the east, your right foot at the same time stepping forward from behind your left foot, your left foot then stepping forward from behind your right foot, the knee bending, your right leg straightening behind, making a small stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow, your feet just over a foot apart. As your right foot steps out, your right hand sends your staff from your right side and across in front of you, thereby completing a full circle, and bending in to point your staff diagonally downward below your left ribs. The head of your staff is pointing downward, about half a foot away from the ground, the tail of your staff at eyebrow level, your left arm straightening behind, the center of the hand facing inward, your right arm bending across, the center of the hand facing downward. Your face turns to the left as the head of your staff arcs toward the west, your gaze toward B. See photo 8:

B, take advantage of the opportunity by advancing, chasing to attack A. A, when you see B chasing, continue stepping toward the east to retreat away from him (the number of steps depending on the size of the practice space). B, once you have chased A all the way across the practice space [both of you finishing with your left foot forward], send your spear stabbing straight to the back of his head.
A, when you see the stab coming, turn around rightward and roll your staff over, passing above you and continuing into a sealing chop toward B’s head. At the same time, your left leg straightens, the toes pointing toward the north, and your right foot lifts, the toes hanging down close to the inner side of your left knee, causing your right leg to form a triangle shape. Your chest is facing toward the north [south]. By the time your staff is over B’s head, [your left hand has raised,] the fingers straight and together, the center of the hand facing upward. You are facing toward the west, your gaze toward B.
B, when you see A’s staff suddenly chopping toward you, your right foot quickly retreats a small step, the knee bends, and your left foot closely follows until your feet are about three quarters of a foot apart, your left foot in front, the heel lifted, toes touching down. At the same time, fiercely send the end of your spear upward over your head, your arms slightly bent, the tip of your spear slightly lower than the end and pointing toward the northeast. Your chest is facing toward the southeast, your gaze toward A. See photo 9:

B, your hands sink down, sending your spear covering downward, your left hand shifting forward along the shaft of your spear, the center of the hand facing upward, your right hand close behind your right ribs, the center of the hand facing inward, your hands just over two feet apart. Your left foot now lifts and takes a large step forward, then your right foot follows with a half step, your left knee bending, right leg straightening, making a small stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow, as your right hand suddenly extends forward, sending the tip of your spear stabbing toward A, your right hand again finishing just behind your left hand. Your chest is facing toward the east, your gaze toward A.
A, when you see the stab coming, your right foot takes a step toward the east, the toes swinging outward, as your right hand wraps the inward and upward. Then your left foot takes a step toward the east, making a horse-riding stance, as your right hand sinks down to be close below your right ribs, the center of the hand facing inward, making your staff diagonal near your chest, the head of your staff pointing diagonally upward just under a foot higher than your headtop. While your right hand wraps your staff inward, your left hand grabs the middle section and sends your staff knocking outward, the center of the hand facing toward the north. Your chest is also facing toward the north, your face toward the west, your gaze toward B. See photo 10:

B, once your spear has been knocked aside, withdraw it, your feet staying where they are, your right knee slightly bending, your body slightly shrinking back, your left hand maintaining its position but slightly shifting forward, your right hand again hidden behind your right ribs. Then your right foot suddenly presses, the knee straightening, and your right hand suddenly shoots forward, stabbing toward A’s forehead, your posture the same as in photo 10.
A, when you see the stab coming, suddenly turn to the left, causing your chest to be facing toward the east, your right foot staying where it is and pivoting, the knee slightly bending, your left foot withdrawing a small step, the knee also bent, the heel lifted, toes touching down, your feet just over a foot apart, the weight shifting onto your right leg. As you turn to the left, mostly staying where you are, your right hand maintains its position and your left hand suddenly sends your staff to the left with a dragging action. You are facing toward the west, your gaze toward B. See photo 11:

A, continuing from the previous posture from pausing, your left foot quickly takes a small step forward, then your right foot takes a step forward from behind your left foot, both knees bending, making a horse-riding stance. As your right foot steps out, your right elbow lifts and bends in front of your chest, and you send the tail of your staff poking toward B’s left leg, your left hand maintaining its position but forcefully dropping, the centers of both hands facing downward. Your chest is facing toward the south, your gaze toward B’s leg.
B, when you see the tail of A’s staff poking toward your leg, your [left] foot quickly retreats a small step and your right foot then takes a step forward. At the same time, your left hand shifts its grip to the middle [forward] section of your spear, sending the tip of your spear upward, your right hand also slightly shifting upward, and you send the end of your spear to brace away the tail of A’s staff, both knees bending, making a horse-riding stance, the center of your right hand facing downward, the center of your left hand facing upward. Your chest is facing toward the north, your gaze toward the tail of A’s staff. See photo 12:

MOVEMENT 13 [switching places]:
A, use the tail of your staff to prop up the end of A’s spear in an arc [going clockwise] as your right foot shifts a small step across toward the south, the toes swinging outward, and your left foot steps out toward the west.
B, as A moves, your right foot also shifts a small step across (toward the north), the toes also swinging outward, and your left foot steps out (toward the east, going around A [as he is going around you]). You have both now switched places. A, your chest is facing toward the north. B, your chest is facing toward the south. B, withdraw the end of your spear raised high as your right foot withdraws a step and then send the tip of your spear stabbing forward and downward toward B’s lower body, your hands forcefully dropping into place, your left elbow straightening, the center of the hand facing upward, your right elbow slightly bending, the center of the hand facing downward. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward A’s leg.
A, when you see the stab coming, your right foot withdraws a step as your left hand forcefully pushes to your forward right, sending the head of your staff to quickly brace away the tip of B’s spear. Your chest is facing toward the southeast, the centers of both hands facing downward, your left elbow straightening, your right elbow bending, causing your staff to be positioned diagonally, close to the right side of your belly. You are facing toward the east, your gaze toward the tip of B’s staff [spear]. See photo 13:

B, without changing your posture, withdraw your spear, then fiercely stab toward A’s lower left leg.
A, when you see the stab coming, your left foot shifts a small step across inward, toes swinging outward, and your right foot then takes a step forward. Your left hand is forcefully dragging, sending the head of your staff to deflect the tip of B’s spear outward, and your left elbow bends, sending the head of your staff upward behind you, your right elbow straightening downward, sending the tail of your staff forward and downward. As your right foot advances, your right hand forcefully sends the tail of your staff upward to be parallel with the shaft of B’s spear and knock against his left hand, the toes of your feet now pointing toward the south. Your chest is also facing toward the south, both knees bending, making a horse-riding stance, your upper body slightly reaching toward the east, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B.
B, when you see the tail of A’s staff coming to knock your left hand, your left hand suddenly shifts to the rear to be next to your right hand. At the same time, your right foot stays where it is, but your left foot suddenly withdraws a half step, toes touching down, heel lifted, the tip of your spear touching the ground in front, both elbows bending, causing your hands to withdraw below your chest, the centers of both hands facing upward. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward the tail of A’s staff. See photo 14:

B, your right foot withdraws a large step, and your left foot follows, withdrawing a half step, the knee slightly bending, your right knee straightening, your upper body reaching forward as you make a small stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. At the same time, your left arm shifts forward, the arm straightening, and your right hand withdraws the end of your spear behind your right ribs, then shoots forward, suddenly stabbing toward A’s head.
A, when you see the stab coming, your left foot stays where it is, the knee bending, and your right foot suddenly retreats a half step, the knee slightly bending, heel lifted, toes touching down, your feet just over a foot apart, the weight shifting onto your right [left] leg, your right [left] foot pivoting rightward. At the same time, your right hand sinks down the tail of your staff, your left hand sending the head of your staff upward, and your left hand forcefully pushes out to your right, knocking away the tip of B’s spear. Your right hand is now close to the left side of your abdomen, the center of the hand facing inward, your left hand close beside your [right] shoulder, the center of the hand facing forward. Your chest is facing toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 15 [reverse view]:

B, your right hand withdraws behind your ribs, the position of your left hand not changing, then your right hand fiercely shoots forward with a stab toward A’s right knee.
A, your right foot suddenly withdraws a large step behind your left foot, the knee bending, and your left foot also withdraws a half step, the knee straightening, the toes pointing across toward the south. At the same time, your right hand goes behind your right ribs and your left hand pushes downward, sending the head of your staff downward from in front of you, pressing down the tip of B’s spear, your left arm straightening, the center of the hand facing downward, your right elbow slightly bending, the center of the hand facing inward, your upper body slightly bending toward the south. Your chest is facing toward the south, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 16:

B, withdraw your spear, then stab toward A’s head, your posture still the same as in the previous movement.
A, with both hands holding your staff horizontally, prop up the tip of B’s spear, and once the spear has been propped away, your staff passes behind your head (your right hand sinking down), your right hand now grasping your staff on its own, holding the tail of your staff, bringing it across from your right to attack B’s leg with a “sweeping the hall” action. At the same time, your left foot suddenly withdraws a step behind your right foot, arcing behind you from your left, then your right foot takes a step toward the west (your chest now facing toward the west). As your right foot steps out, your right hand has swung your staff across from the right and brings it in front of you to be a diagonal line close below your left ribs (your left hand now grabbing your staff), the head of your staff pointing downward toward the east, about half a foot away from the ground. Your left arm is straightened diagonally downward, the center of the hand facing inward, your right elbow bent across, the center of the hand facing downward, your right knee bending, left leg straightening, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is now facing toward the south, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B.
B, when A attacks with “sweeping the hall”, withdraw your spear, jumping high with both feet, and then after you land, your posture is again the same as before. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward A. See photo 17 [reverse view]:

A, without changing your posture, walk toward the west with your gaze turned to look toward B. B, step out to pursue A. A, with the number and size of your steps depending on the practice space, walk to one end of the space. B, stab to the back of A’s [left] leg.
A, when you see the stab coming, your right hand stays where it is as your left elbow bends, lifting your staff behind you and then suddenly sending it forward to smack away the tip of B’s spear. At the same time, your left foot shifts a half step across toward the north, the knee straightening, your right knee bending, your feet just under two feet apart, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the south, the toes of both feet pointing toward the south. You are facing toward the east, your gaze toward B’s spear.
B, your left foot is forward, the knee slightly bent, right foot behind, the leg straightening, making a small stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your left hand is again extended forward, your right hand again finishing with the end of your spear near the inside of your left hand. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward A’s leg. See photo 18:

B, withdraw your spear, your feet staying where they are, your body also shrinking back, then stab toward A’s head.
A, your right hand sinks down the tail of your staff as your left hand forcefully lifts up the head of your staff and then goes to the left, fiercely covering B’s spear. At the same time, your right foot stays where it is but does a half pivot to the left, and your left foot withdraws a small step, heel lifted, toes touching down, the weight shifting onto your right leg. Your chest is facing toward the east, your left elbow bending across, the center of the hand facing toward the north [south], the center of your right hand also facing toward the north [south]. You are facing toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 19:

A, after covering B’s spear, your right foot steps out toward the east as you send the tail of your staff from behind you, over your head, and chopping toward B, your right hand sinking down [i.e. sliding inward along your staff] to be about three quarters of a foot away from your left hand, the center of the hand facing downward. Your left elbow is bent, making a triangle shape, the upper arm near your left ribs, the forearm making a horizontal line, the center of the hand facing downward, the head of your staff lowered to be level with the elbow, the head and tail of your staff making a horizontal line [diagonal according to the photo]. Your upper body is slightly reaching forward. You are facing toward the east, your gaze toward B.
B, when you see the tail of A’s staff chopping toward you, pull back your spear as your right foot withdraws a step, your left foot following by also withdrawing a step, your orientation remaining the same. Then your right hand lifts the end of your spear and your left hand slightly pushes forward to brace away the tail of A’s staff, your left [right] hand also wrapping inward, causing the shaft of your spear to be angled upward, resulting in the staff being underneath and the spear being on top. Your chest is facing toward the north, your gaze toward the tail of A’s staff. See photo 20:

A, with your feet staying where they are, your right hand shifts to the tail of your staff (your left hand letting go), sending the head of your staff over you and chopping toward B, your upper body reaching forward, your left hand following your staff to finish above your head, the fingers extended but together, the center of the hand facing upward, your right arm straightening, the head and tail of your staff level with each other. Your chest is facing toward the north, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B.
B, your right foot withdraws a small step slightly toward the northeast and your left foot also withdraws a step, the heel slightly lifted, toes touching down, both knees straightening. At the same time, your right hand at the end of your spear slightly follows your left hand as your left hand lifts, sending the tip of your spear upward to the forward right of your body, your left hand forcefully twisting outward, causing the tip of your spear to suddenly cover A’s staff, the center of the hand facing toward the south, the center of your right hand facing downward. See photo 21:

A, without pausing, advance [retreat] toward the west, your left hand still above your head. Your chest is facing toward the northwest, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B. At the same time, your right hand and your staff follow your body back, the arm straightening, the head of your staff touching the ground toward the east, the arm and staff together making a straight line.
B, maintaining your posture, chase toward the west as A walks to that end of the practice space (the amount of steps for both of you depending on the size of the practice space), and forcefully stab toward his head, your left foot again going forward.
A, when you see the stab coming, bring your feet to a halt with your left [right] foot forward, [left foot behind], as your right hand forcefully sends the middle section of your staff propping upward, the arm extending upward and slightly toward the east, the center of the hand facing upward, the head of your staff pointing downward toward the southeast. At the same time, your right foot retreats a small step, the heel slightly lifted, toes touching down. Your chest is facing toward the northeast, your left hand still positioned above your head, your gaze toward B’s spear. See photo 22:

B, withdraw your spear, your feet staying where they are, then fiercely stab downward toward A’s right leg.
A, your right foot suddenly withdraws a step toward the west, the knee bending, your left foot staying where it is and pivoting to the right so the toes are pointing toward the south, the knee straightening, your feet about three feet apart (depending on your own height), the weight shifting to your right leg. At the same time, your right hand forcefully twists, sending the head of your staff arcing behind you, passing over your head, and fiercely seizing downward, your left hand also grasping the middle section of your staff and forcefully pushing it down, the arm straightening, the center of the hand facing downward, the center of your right hand facing inward, the elbow slightly bent, your torso slightly bending forward. Your chest is facing toward the south, your gaze toward B.
At this time, B’s posture is thus: your left foot is forward, the knee slightly bent, your right leg straightened behind, your upper body slightly reaching forward, your left hand forward, the arm straight, the center of the hand facing upward, your right hand holding the end of your spear about half a foot behind your left hand. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward A. See photo 23:

B, staying where you are, withdraw your spear, then stab straight toward A’s head.
A, when you see the stab coming, your right foot stays where it is and pivots to the left so the toes are pointing toward the east, your left foot withdrawing a half step, heel lifted, toes touching down, the knee slightly bent, your feet just over a foot apart. At the same time, your left hand lifts the [head] of your staff, fiercely dragging to your left, the center of the hand facing toward the east, as is your chest, your right hand holding the tail of your staff hidden below your right ribs. You are facing toward the east.
B, again withdraw your spear, your feet staying where they are, and then fiercely stab downward toward A’s left leg.
A, your left foot shifts a small step across toward the south, toes swinging outward, and your right foot takes a step toward the east from behind your left foot, both knees bending, making a horse-riding stance. As your right foot steps out, your right hand sends the tail of your staff forward, fiercely bracing away B’s spear, your feet pointing toward the north. Your chest is also facing toward the north, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B’s spear. See photo 24:

B, your left foot withdraws a step toward the east from in front of your right foot, your left hand lifting, sending the tip of your spear upward and shifting its grip to the forward section of your spear. Your right hand also shifts upward, then pushes forward, sending the end of your spear pounding toward A’s lower right leg, your right elbow straightening, the center of the hand facing downward, your left elbow bending, the center of the hand facing upward, your right knee bending, your left leg straightening, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the south, your face toward the west, your gaze toward A.
A, when you see the end of B’s spear pounding toward your leg, your left foot takes a step toward the east and your right hand lifts, the elbow bending, sending the tail of your staff upward, your left hand sinking down, the elbow straightening, sending the head of your staff downward, and your left hand quickly pushes forward, sending the head of your staff to be bracing away the end of B’s spear, both knees bending, the toes of both feet pointing toward the south, making a horse-riding stance. Your chest is facing toward the south, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B’s spear. See photo 25 [reverse view]:

The end of B’s spear and the head of A’s staff are coiling upward (spear on top, staff underneath).
B, once they are at head level, withdraw the end of your spear by lifting it high, your right foot withdrawing a step behind you, your left hand sinking down, the arm straightening, pointing the tip of your spear downward to your left, and then your left hand fiercely pushes forward, your right hand forcefully dropping downward, sending the tip of your spear stabbing toward A’s left lower leg. The posture is the same as before [Movement 24], your right foot behind, your chest turned to be facing toward the north.
A, your left hand is holding the head of your staff as it coils with the end of B’s spear, and then when you see the stab coming toward your leg, your right foot suddenly takes a step forward, your left elbow bending, sending the head of your staff upward, your right hand sinking down, sending the tail of your staff downward, and your right hand pushes the tail forward, fiercely bracing away B’s spear. Both knees are bending, again making a horse-riding stance, the posture the same as before [Movement 24], your right foot forward, your chest turned to be facing toward the north. See photo 26:

A, without pausing after bracing away B’s spear, your left hand lets go and your right hand forcefully sends the head of your staff upward and chopping forward, your upper body also leaning forward, your left hand following your staff to stop above your head, fingers extended but still together, the center of the hand facing upward, your feet staying where they are, your stance not changing from the previous posture.
B, when you see A’s staff chopping toward your head, your right foot suddenly withdraws a small step toward the northeast, then your left foot also withdraws a small step, the heel slightly lifted, toes touching down, both knees straightening, your upper body slightly leaning toward the south. At the same time, your spear withdraws, your right hand going behind and below your right ribs, and your left hand slightly twists outward, sending the tip of your spear outward to suddenly cover A’s staff, the center of your left hand facing toward the south. Your chest is facing toward the southwest, your face toward the west, your gaze toward A. See photo 27:

A, without pausing, advance [retreat] toward the west, your left hand still above your head. Your chest is facing toward the northwest, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B. At the same time, your right hand and your staff follow your body back, the arm straightening, the head of your staff touching the ground toward the east, the arm and staff together making a straight line.
B, maintaining your posture, chase toward the west as A walks to that end of the practice space (the amount of steps for both of you depending on the size of the practice space), and forcefully stab toward his head, your left foot again going forward.
A, when you see the stab coming, bring your feet to a halt with your right foot forward, left foot behind, as your right hand forcefully sends the middle section of your staff propping upward, the arm extending upward and slightly toward the east, the center of the hand facing upward, the head of your staff pointing downward toward the southeast. At the same time, your right foot retreats a small step, the heel slightly lifted, toes touching down. Your chest is facing toward the northeast, your left hand still positioned above your head, your gaze toward B’s spear. See photo 28:

B, withdraw your spear, your feet staying where they are, then fiercely stab downward toward A’s right leg.
A, your right foot suddenly withdraws a step toward the west, the knee bending, your left foot staying where it is and pivoting to the right so the toes are pointing toward the south, the knee straightening, your feet about three feet apart (depending on your own height), the weight shifting to your right leg. At the same time, your right hand forcefully twists, sending the head of your staff arcing behind you, passing over your head, and fiercely seizing downward once in front of your face, your right [left] hand also grasping the middle section of your staff and forcefully pushing it down, the arm straightening, the center of the hand facing downward, the center of your right hand facing inward, the elbow slightly bent, your torso slightly bending forward. Your chest is facing toward the south, your gaze toward B.
At this time, B’s posture is thus: your left foot is forward, the knee slightly bent, your right leg straightened behind, [your left hand forward,] the center of the hand facing upward, your right hand holding the end of your spear about half a foot behind your left hand. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward A. This posture is the same as in photo 23. See photo 29:

B, withdraw your spear, your right arm straightening behind, your left hand shifting its grip to the forward section of your spear. At the same, your left toes swing outward and your right foot takes a step toward the west from behind your left foot. With your chest now facing toward the south, your left hand is sinking down and your right hand comes forward from behind (shifting its grip to the middle section), sending the end of your spear fiercely chopping toward A’s head. Your left elbow is bent, the center of the hand facing upward, and your right hand is forward, the elbow slightly bent, the center of the hand facing downward. Your chest is facing toward the south, your face toward the west, your gaze toward A.
A, when you see the end of B’s spear chopping toward you, your feet both advance a small step forward as you fiercely prop up your staff with both hands, your right arm straightening upward, your left elbow slightly bent as it extends forward and upward, the centers of both hands facing toward the southeast as you put the tail of your staff about a foot and a half higher than the head of your staff, the head of your staff pointing downward toward the northeast. Your chest is facing toward the southeast, your right knee bending, the toes pointing toward the south, your left knee straightened in front, the toes pointing toward the southeast. You are facing toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 30 [reverse view]:

A, your left hand sinks down as your right foot takes a step toward the east from behind your left foot, your right hand pushing forward, sending the tail of your staff chopping toward B’s head. Your left elbow is bent, the center of the hand facing downward, the elbow wrapping the head of your staff to your left ribs. Your right hand is forward, the elbow slightly bent, the center of the hand facing downward. Your right knee in front is bent, left leg straight, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the northeast, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B.
B, your right foot suddenly withdraws a step, your right hand lifting, shifting its grip to the end of your spear, and sending it upward, your left hand at the same time extending and propping up, sending the middle section of your spear to fiercely prop away A’s staff. Your right hand is now above, the center of the hand facing toward the northwest, your left hand forward, the arm straight, pointing toward the southwest, the center of the hand facing upward, the end of your spear about a foot and three quarters higher than the tip, the tip pointing downward toward the southwest. Your right leg is straightening behind, your left leg also straightening, the heel slightly lifted, toes touching down, your upper body slightly dodging back. Your chest is facing toward the northwest, your face toward the west, your gaze toward A. See photo 31:

B, your left hand twists inward, causing the tip of your spear to wrap inward, wrapping around the tail of A’s staff until the spear is on top and the staff is underneath.
A, with your feet staying where they are, your left hand lets go and sinks down, then extends until above your head, the fingers extended but together, the center of the hand facing upward, as your right hand forcefully sends the head of your staff behind you, passing over you, and chopping toward B’s head, your upper body slightly reaching forward.
B, your left hand forcefully goes to the left, sending your spear across with a sudden hanging action, your right hand at the end of your spear slightly following, causing the tip of your spear to go upward. The rest of the posture is the same as before [Movement 21]. See photo 32:

A, with your right hand still holding your staff, your left hand comes forward to also take hold of the tail section and you forcefully do a “sweeping the hall” attack toward B’s lower left leg.
B, jump high, your right foot coming down first, [your torso] turning from the left so that your chest is facing toward the west as your left foot comes down forward and you extend your spear with both hands, fiercely stabbing toward A’s [right] leg, your right leg straightening behind, left knee bending, making a small stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your left hand is forward, the center of the hand facing upward, right hand behind, about half a foot away from your left hand. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward A.
A, your left foot stays where it is as your right foot slightly shifts across a small step toward the south, the knee straightening, your left knee slightly bending. Your left hand lets go and is placed above your head, the fingers extended but together, as your right hand puts the head of your staff firmly onto the ground and the arm straightens, suddenly deflecting toward the north, the hand turned over so the center of the hand is facing toward the south. Your chest is facing toward the north, the tail of your staff pointing upward, your [right] arm horizontal. You are facing toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 33:

A, after deflecting B’s spear away, your right hand forcefully sends the head of your staff from behind your body, over your head, and chopping straight toward B’s head. The rest of the posture is the same as before [Movement 21], except that this time your upper body is reaching forward. Your right knee is bent, left leg straight, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow.
B, withdraw your spear, your body also withdrawing, your left hand lifting your spear, the hand facing upward, and fiercely drag to the left. This posture is the same as in photo 21. See photo 34:

A, without pausing, advance [retreat] toward the west, your left hand still above your head. Your chest is facing toward the northwest, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B. At the same time, your right hand and your staff follow your body back, the arm straightening, the head of your staff touching the ground toward the east, the arm and staff together making a straight line.
B, maintaining your posture, chase toward the west as A walks to that end of the practice space (the amount of steps for both of you depending on the size of the practice space), and forcefully stab toward his head, your left foot again going forward.
A, when you see the stab coming, bring your feet to a halt with your right foot forward, left foot behind, as your right hand forcefully sends the middle section of your staff propping upward, the arm extending upward and slightly toward the east, the center of the hand facing upward, the head of your staff pointing downward toward the southeast. At the same time, your right foot retreats a small step, the heel slightly lifted, toes touching down. Your chest is facing toward the northeast, your left hand still positioned above your head, your gaze toward B’s spear. The posture and movement is the same as for photo 22. See photo 35:

B, withdraw your spear, your feet staying where they are, then fiercely stab downward toward A’s right leg.
A, your right foot suddenly withdraws a step toward the west, the knee bending, your left foot staying where it is and pivoting to the right so the toes are pointing toward the south, the knee straightening, your feet about three feet apart (depending on your own height), the weight shifting to your right leg. At the same time, your right hand forcefully twists, sending the head of your staff arcing behind you, passing over your head, and fiercely seizing downward, your left hand also grasping the middle section of your staff and forcefully pushing it down, the arm straightening, the center of the hand facing downward, the center of your right hand facing inward, the elbow slightly bent, your torso slightly bending forward. Your chest is facing toward the south, your gaze toward B.
At this time, B’s posture is thus: your left foot is forward, the knee slightly bent, your right leg straightened behind, your upper body slightly reaching forward, your left hand forward, the arm straight, the center of the hand facing upward, your right hand holding the end of your spear about half a foot behind your left hand. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward A. This posture is the same as in photo 23. See photo 36:

B, staying where you are, withdraw your spear, then stab straight toward A’s head.
A, when you see the stab coming, your right foot stays where it is and pivots to the left so the toes are pointing toward the east, your left foot withdrawing a half step, heel lifted, toes touching down, the knee slightly bent, your feet just over a foot apart. At the same time, your left hand lifts the [head] of your staff, fiercely dragging to your left, the center of the hand facing toward the east, as is your chest, your right hand holding the tail of your staff hidden below your right ribs. You are facing toward the east.
B, again withdraw your spear, your feet staying where they are, and then fiercely stab downward toward A’s left leg.
A, your left foot shifts a small step across toward the south, the toes swinging outward, and your right foot takes a step toward the east from behind your left foot, both knees bending, making a horse-riding stance. As your right foot steps out, your right hand sends the tail of your staff forward, fiercely bracing away B’s spear, your feet pointing toward the north. Your chest is also facing toward the north, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B’s spear. The posture is the same as in photo 24. See photo 37:

The end of B’s spear and the head of A’s staff are coiling upward, spear on top, staff underneath. B, once they are at head level, withdraw the end of your spear by lifting it high, your right foot withdrawing a step behind you [your left foot following], your left hand sinking down, the arm straightening, pointing the tip of your spear downward to your left, and then your left hand fiercely pushes forward, your right hand forcefully dropping downward, sending the tip of your spear stabbing toward A’s left lower leg. The posture is the same as in the previous movement, your right foot behind, your chest facing toward the north.
A, your left hand is holding the head of your staff as it coils with the end of B’s spear, and then when you see the stab coming, your right foot suddenly shifts a step forward [your left foot following], your left elbow bending, sending the head of your staff upward, your right hand sinking down, sending the tail of your staff downward, and your right hand pushes the tail forward, fiercely bracing away B’s spear. Both knees are bending, again making a horse-riding stance, your right foot forward, your chest facing toward the north. The posture is the same as in photo 26 [which is itself a repeat of photo 24 and was just reused for Movement 37]. See photo 38 [in this case a reverse view]:

A, without pausing, your left hand lets go and shifts its grip to the tail of your staff behind your right hand, your right hand now forward, and both hands forcefully send the head of your staff forward from above, chopping diagonally toward B’s left shoulder, your upper body reaching forward, your feet staying where they are. The rest of the posture remains the same as in the previous movement.
B, your right hand withdraws the end of your spear below and behind your right ribs as your left hand forcefully lifts your spear into a sudden dragging action to your left, the elbow bending, the center of the hand facing toward the east, your right hand sinking. At the same time, your right foot stays where it is, the knee bending, your left foot withdrawing a half step, heel slightly lifted, toes touching down. Your chest is facing toward the west, your gaze toward A. See photo 39:

A, still with both hands holding your staff, your right hand forward, lift your staff, then attack B’s lower left leg with a “sweeping the hall” action.
B, jump high with both legs, letting A’s staff arc through toward the north.
A, with your feet staying where they are, lift your staff and then chop toward B’s head, your right knee bending forward, left leg straightening, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the east, your face also toward the east, your gaze toward B.
B, your hands send your spear fiercely propping up, your arms straightening upward, your right knee bending forward, your left leg straightening behind, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the northwest, your face toward the west, your gaze toward A. See photo 40:

B, your hands sink down and you extend your spear with a stab toward A’s forehead, the [rest of] your posture remaining the same as in the previous movement.
A, when you see the stab coming, your right foot suddenly withdraws a step behind your left foot [withdraws a half step in front of your left foot] as your hands also withdraw, sending the head of your staff upward and fiercely dragging to the right, your left knee slightly bending, your right leg straightening in front, the heel slightly lifting, toes touching down. Your chest is facing toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 41:

B, withdraw your spear, your posture not changing, and then stab downward toward A’s left [right] leg.
A, your left [right] foot shifts a small step across toward the north as your hands twist, sending the head of your staff from above to fiercely seize downward, your right foot now staying where it is, the knee bending downward, as your left leg straightens toward the northeast, the toes pointing toward the southeast, your upper body slightly leaning forward. Your right hand is now in front, the center of the hand facing downward, your left hand behind, the center of the hand facing upward, your forearms making an X shape, right arm above, left arm below, your hands about half a foot apart. The head of your staff is touching the ground toward the southwest [northeast]. Your chest is facing toward the southeast, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 42:

B, without changing your posture, withdraw your spear, then stab toward the left side of A’s forehead.
A, rise up with both hands holding your staff, their position not changing, and fiercely prop up B’s spear, your arms straightening upward, the head of your staff pointing downward [upward] toward the northeast. Your chest is facing toward the southeast, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 43:

MOVEMENT 44 [switching places]:
A, continuing from the previous posture, having propped away A’s spear, your left foot shifts a small step across toward the south, toes swinging outward, and your right foot takes a step forward from behind your left foot, your hands not changing their position on your staff as they forcefully send the head of your staff arcing behind you and then swinging across toward B’s waist from your right. (In this instant, your chest is turning leftward to be facing toward the north so that as your left foot is turning in front of you, your right foot is momentarily becoming the rear foot.) Then as you swing across to his waist, your left foot withdraws behind your right foot [causing you to fully switch places with B], your right knee bending in front, your left leg straightening, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the east, your hands extending your staff forward with the center of your right hand facing upward, your left hand behind, the center of the hand facing downward. You are facing toward the west, your gaze toward B.
B, when you see A’s staff swinging toward your waist, your left hand lifts, sending the tip of your spear upward, your right hand sinking down, as your left foot shifts a small step across toward the north, toes swinging outward, and your right foot takes a step forward from behind your left foot. (In this instant, your chest is turning leftward to be facing toward the east so that as your left foot is turning in front of you, your right foot is momentarily becoming the rear foot.) Then your left foot withdraws to be behind your right foot [causing you to fully switch places with A], your right knee bending in front, your left leg straightening, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the north. As your right foot steps forward, your hands forcefully send the middle section of your spear to suddenly brace away A’s staff. You are facing toward the east, your gaze toward A. See photo 44:

B, your right foot withdraws a step as your right hand withdraws the end of your spear, your left hand sinking down, then extend your spear, stabbing toward the right side of A’s forehead.
A, still holding your staff with both hands, fiercely prop up, your hands going higher than your headtop, the head of your staff pointing downward toward the northwest, your right foot withdrawing a half step, heel lifted, toes touching down, your upper body slightly withdrawing. Your chest is again facing toward the west, your gaze toward B. See photo 45:

B, withdraw your spear and then stab downward toward A’s [right] leg, the rest of your posture remaining the same as in the previous movement.
A, when you see the stab coming, your right foot shifts a small step across toward the south, toes swinging outward, and your left foot takes a step forward from behind your right foot, as your hands forcefully send the head of your staff to the rear, continuing over you, and then fiercely seizing forward, the head of your staff touching the ground. Your right hand is in front, the center of the hand facing downward, your left hand behind, the center of the hand facing upward, your forearms making an X shape, right arm above, left hand below, your hands about half a foot apart. Your left leg is forward and straightened, your right knee bending, and your upper body is leaning forward, the weight on your right leg. Your chest is facing toward the northwest, your face toward the west, your gaze toward B. See photo 46 [reverse view]:

B, withdraw your spear and then stab toward A’s forehead, the rest of your posture remaining the same as in the previous movement.
A, your body rises and your left foot retreats a small step, heel lifted, toes touching down, as your hands lift, not changing their position, sending the middle of your staff upward, fiercely bracing away B’s spear, the head of your staff pointing downward [upward] toward the southwest. Your chest is facing toward the west [northwest]. Your gaze is toward B. See photo 47 [reverse view]:

A, your left foot shifts a small step across toward the north, toes swinging outward, and your right foot takes a step forward from behind your left foot as your hands send your staff swinging through on your right side and fiercely sweeping toward B’s left leg, both hands going forward, your arms straightening. Your right foot is forward, the knee bending, your left leg straightening, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow [although the photo shows A in a horse-riding stance]. Your chest is facing toward the southwest, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B’s leg.
B, your left foot shifts a small step across toward the south [steps back toward the east], toes swinging outward, and your right foot takes a step forward from behind your left foot [shifts forward, toes swinging inward]. At the same time, your right hand sinks down and your left hand lifts, sending the tip of your spear upward, your right hand then shifting upward, and you push forward, fiercely bracing away A’s staff. Your right foot is forward, the knee bending, your left leg straightening, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow [although the photo shows B in a horse-riding stance]. Your chest is facing toward the northeast, your gaze toward A’s staff. See photo 48:

B, your right hand lifts your spear, withdrawing it behind your right ribs, your right foot withdrawing a step behind you, your left hand sinking down. Then extend, stabbing toward A’s forehead, your left leg bending in front, right leg straightening behind, making a small stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the east, your gaze toward A.
A, when you see the stab coming, your feet stay where they are, your upper body withdrawing, your right leg straightening, left leg bending, making a stance of left leg a bow, right leg an arrow. At the same time, your hands send your staff upward, fiercely propping away B’s spear. Your chest is facing toward the southwest, your face toward the west, your gaze toward B. See photo 49 [reverse view]:

B, when you see A’s staff propping up, do not pause, instead withdraw your spear and then stab toward A’s [right] leg. (This time, your right hand works alone, your left hand coming away and finishing above your head, fingers extended but together, the center of the hand facing upward.) As your right hand extends your spear, your left foot withdraws a step and the knee bends, your right leg straightening, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the northeast, your face toward the east, your gaze toward A.
A, also without pausing, your right foot takes a step toward the east, passing in front of your left foot, then your left foot also takes a step toward the east. At the same time, your right hand holds your staff (your left hand letting go), twisting inward so that the head of your staff goes inward, then it fiercely goes outward with a hanging action, your left hand finishing above your head, fingers extended but together, the center of the hand facing upward. Your left knee is bent, your right leg straightened, making a stance of front leg a bow, rear leg an arrow. Your chest is facing toward the southwest, your face toward the east, your gaze toward B. See photo 50:
