Il bar di Helga

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retrieved today 07/08/2012 at 13:35


Helga è la proprietaria di un bar, di quelli dove si beve forte.

Rendendosi conto che quasi tutti i suoi clienti sono disoccupati e che quindi dovranno ridurre le consumazioni e frequentazioni, escogita un geniale piano di marketing, consentendo loro di bere subito e pagare in seguito. Segna quindi le bevute su un libro che diventa il libro dei crediti (cioè dei debiti dei clienti).

La formula “bevi ora, paga dopo” è un successone: la voce si sparge, gli affari aumentano e il bar di Helga diventa il più importante della città.

Lei ogni tanto rialza i prezzi delle bevande e naturalmente nessuno protesta, visto che nessuno paga: è un rialzo virtuale. Così il volume delle vendite aumenta ancora.

La banca di Helga, rassicurata dal giro d’affari, le aumenta il fido. In fondo, dicono i risk manager, il fido è garantito da tutti i crediti che il bar vanta verso i clienti: il collaterale a garanzia.

Intanto l’Ufficio Investimenti & Alchimie Finanziarie della banca ha una pensata geniale. Prendono i crediti del bar di Helga e li usano come garanzia per emettere un’obbligazione nuova fiammante e collocarla sui mercati internazionali: gli Sbornia Bond.

I bond ottengono subito un rating di AA+ come quello della banca che li emette, e gli investitori non si accorgono che i titoli sono di fatto garantiti da debiti di ubriaconi disoccupati. Così, dato che rendono bene, tutti li comprano.

Conseguentemente il prezzo sale, quindi arrivano anche i gestori dei Fondi pensione a comprare, attirati dall’irresistibile combinazione di un bond con alto rating, che rende tanto e il cui prezzo sale sempre. E i portafogli, in giro per il mondo, si riempiono di Sbornia Bond.

Un giorno però, alla banca di Helga arriva un nuovo direttore che, visto che in giro c’è aria di crisi, tanto per non rischiare le riduce il fido e le chiede di rientrare per la parte in eccesso al nuovo limite.

A questo punto Helga, per trovare i soldi, comincia a chiedere ai clienti di pagare i loro debiti. Il che è ovviamente impossibile essendo loro dei disoccupati che si sono anche bevuti tutti i risparmi.

Helga non è quindi in grado di ripagare il fido e la banca le taglia i fondi.

Il bar fallisce e tutti gli impiegati si trovano per strada.

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China 2011 – 中国 二零十一年

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Here’s some hundreds of pictures I’ve taken during the summer of 2011 trip to China, mainly developed in Beijing (04 – 12/08) Henan (12 – 23/08) and Shanxi (23 and 24/08)

Pictures are gathered in 3 main albums here listed below, which in turns are sorted in smaller galleries.
I’ll write about this trip in my 中国 2001 – Carnet de Voyage which I began to paint directly in situ and about it I’m still working on. Here’s the best place to write and express about the feelings of such trip!

Beijing 04/08 – 12/08/2011

Henan 12/08 – 24/08/2011

Shanxi 23/08 – 24/08/2011


Regionali Wushu 2011 – Montecatini

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Regionali Wushu 2011 - Montecatini

Regionali Wushu 2011 – Montecatini

Domenica 17 Aprile si sono svolti c/o il Palaterme di Montecatini i campionati Regionali di Wushu, validi per le qualifiche ai Nazionali che si svolgeranno a Maggio a Salerno.

Un bellissimo momento di aggregazione e ritrovo fra amici, compagni e fratelli di Wushu!!!

Concerto di Elisa, 20 Maggio 2010

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Concerto di Elisa, 20 Maggio 2010, Nelson Mandela Forum Firenze

Research on the traditional music of Na’xi ethnic group Zhangna 中央音乐学院

Research on the traditional music of Na’xi ethnic group

Zhangna 中央音乐学院

The traditional music of Na’xi ethnic group, also known as ‘baishaxiyue’, is one of the most important parts of the inherited traditional Na’xi music which includes ‘Dongba music’, ‘Boshixili’ and ‘Lijiang traditional music’. For a long period of time, the researchers of relevant disciplines have been concentrating on the indications of its name; its history tracks, its musical from and its historical and cultural values. As for the indications of the name, there are mainly two opinions including ‘baishaxiyue’ and ‘baisha music’. As for its history tracks, ‘baishaxiyue’ is the folk music derived from Na’xi ethnic group and it is the heritage sound of the Yuan people. It is also a great music that mixed with various sources of music. As for the musical form, ‘bashaxiyue’ is a kind of classical music set that contains dancing music, songs and instrument music. Its traditional performing processes start from ‘du’, followed by ‘zongshi’ ‘sansiji’ ‘aliligoujibo’ ‘meimiwo’ ‘duocuo’ ‘kacuo’ and ended by ‘mubu’. The main features of the musical form are the consistency between every second paragraph and the comparison between the neighboring paragraphs. If it is the chorus of eight musicians, the main instrument is bamboo and accompanied by singing and dancing. There is no company of the beating instrument and no rigid numbers of the band. This essay will mainly deal with the name indication, its musical forms and the recent research and conclusion.

Language and Culture Affect Color Cognition of Minorities People in Yunnan Province in China

Language and Culture Affect Color Cognition of Minorities People in Yunnan Province in China

Zhang Jijia 1, Xie Shushu 2

1 Ph.D., Department of Psychology, South China Normal University

2 Ph.D., Department of Applied Psychology, Jimei University

In three researches, using color classification task, Color similarity judgment task and color recognition task, to investigate whether different cultures and languages in Yunnan province affect these people’s color cognition including perception and memory, or weaker, just affect color memory. The results showed that 1) the color classification of undergraduates from Naxi, Yi and Bai were consistent with the cultures of these three nations; 2) Han students distinguished color similarity and recognized in green or blue category significantly faster and more accurate than Naxi students did. It meant that the mixed using of the words “green” and “blue” of Naxi   people led to their harder discrimination of green and blue than Han people; 3) Yi students discriminated ‘black’ with different brightness notably faster and more accurate than discriminated ‘white’. Bai students were on the contrary. Han and Naxi showed no notable difference.

To sum up, in our first study, Students from three nations were consistent in their classification of the 11 color terms in general, which was in flavor of perceptual Universalism. Nevertheless, there were significant differences among the three minorities and Han nation consistent with the differences in their languages and cultures and thus consistent with the predictions of Linguistic Relativity Theory. Language and culture do affect color cognition directly and indirectly.

Naxi Language of Reduplication

Naxi Language of Reduplication

ZENG Xiao-peng and Wu Xiao-li

South-west University

Naxi language have many Reduplications. reduplication of Literal structure, vocabulary and syntactic structure, This paper comprehensive describe the reduplication phenomenon in Naxi language , and Attempt to have a systematic comparison with the same type of Chinese language. A character is a word , so through reduplicative words to research the role of reduplication in the way of Words express . Meaning of Reduplication show in grammar, it is also reflected in the Words .

Anthropological Reflections on Nanxi village Funeral ceremony Changes

Anthropological Reflections on Nanxi village Funeral ceremony Changes

Zhang Yue    Zhang Yan

Yunnan University

The Naxi funeral culture is an important part of the naxi culture. Nanxi village as a typical Naxi villages, the funeral ceremony in the long historical process of development formed its own unique form, in particular in 1949 after the liberation , the funeral ceremony undergone drastic changes. By studying the changes of the Nanxi village‘s funeral ceremony, we are trying to show its power and the reasons for the changes, for an in-depth understanding of traditional culture in contemporary society changes to provide an important reference.

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