Study notes of Wing Chun Quan history and terminology for a Wushu contextualization
3 Marzo 2023
Study notes of Wing Chun Quan history and terminology for a Wushu contextualization This is a part of my study draftnotes, less or more ordered, about history and nomenclature of Wushu generally, more in particular focused about orthodox … Continua a leggere
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Allenamento ,
Art ,
Asian Martial Arts in the Asians Studies Curriculum ,
Biography ,
Chinese martial art history ,
Chinese Martial Arts ,
Chinese Martial Arts History ,
Chinese Martial Studies ,
evolution of martial arts studies ,
Folk History ,
foshan ,
Globalization of the Chinese Martial Arts ,
Globalization of the Martial Arts ,
globalization of Wing Chun ,
Hong Kong ,
Hong Kong Identity ,
interpretation of martial arts ,
Ip Man ,
Jeet Kune Do ,
Kung Fu ,
Martial arts and politics ,
Martial Arts and Social Change ,
Martial Arts and Society ,
Martial Arts Studies ,
Red Boat Opera ,
Shaolin ,
Tai Chi ,
Taiji stile Chen ,
Taijquan ,
tradition ,
traditional martial arts ,
Translation ,
Weapons ,
Wing Chun ,
Wing Chun history ,
Wing Tsun ,
Wushu ,
Xiuart ,
Zhu Tiancai 朱天才 ,
中国武术 - Zhongguo Wushu ,
刀术 Daoshu ,
刀术名称 Terminologia della sciabola ,
武术练习 Allenamento al Wushu ,
汉意武术词典 Dizionario Wushu Cinese - Italiano ,
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