
朱向前正在欧洲 Zhu Xiangqian in Europe
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According to programs shared by local associations and thanks to Zhu Xianqian post on social about his teaching activities in Europe, after 3 years of covid restrictions, is now possible to train with him. From 03/05 to 09/05 in North … Leggi tutto

Fartlek 全速疾跑间歇训练作为我的陈家沟武术训练身体素质练习
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Fartlek SIT as general body exercise in my Chenjiagou Wushu training routine Fartlek 全速疾跑间歇训练作为我的陈家沟武术训练身体素质练习 Fartlek quánsù jí pǎo jiànxiē xùnliàn zuòwéi wǒ de chén jiā gōu wǔshù xùnliàn shēntǐ sùzhì liànxí Stefano Zamblera – 羞龍Xiulong1 E-mail: Published 27/02/2023 Abstract … Leggi tutto

中国武术和岩画 Wushu ed arte rupestre cinese
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中国武术和岩画 Wushu ed arte rupestre cinese. Appunti di studio delle evidenze artistico-rupestri cinesi relazionabili alla storia ed alle iconografie del Wushu. Su Questa raccolta di appunti è inerente allo studio delle evidenze rupestri dei siti della Cina che … Leggi tutto

Martial Arts and Politics: Silat in Defense of Religion and the Malay Nation
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  Lawrence N. Ross. 2017. “Demi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara: Silat Martial Arts and the ‘Third Line’ in Defense of Religion, Race and the Malaysian State.” In Sophie Lemiere (eds.) Illusions of Democracy: Malaysian Politics and People. Vol. II. Strategic Information and… Continue Reading →

“Old Sports” in New China – Reporting the 1953 National Exhibition and Tournament
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      The Source As part of my ongoing research on the role of the traditional martial arts within the creation of China’s public diplomacy strategy, I am reviewing several propaganda sources produced in the 1950s and 1960s.  By… Continue Reading →

Judo in Taiwan, 1895-1945: The Dark Side of Martial Arts Politics
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  Dong Jhy and J. A. Mangan. 2018. “Japanese Cultural Imperialism in Taiwan: Judo as an Instrument of Colonial Conditioning.” in Mangan, Horton, Ren and Ok (eds.) Japanese Imperialism: Politics and Sport in East Asia – Rejection, Resentment and Revanchism…. Continue Reading →

Nonviolence and Martial Arts Studies
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  ***One of my goals in creating Kung Fu Tea was to inspire more enthusiasm for (and participation in) the scholarly discussion of martial arts.  As such, I am happy to share a reader’s lengthy response to a recent essay…. Continue Reading →

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– 科學化的國術 SCIENTIFIC MARTIAL ARTS 吳志青 by Wu Zhiqing [originally published as 應用武術中國新體操 Using Martial Arts to Make China’s New Calisthenics in 1919/1920, (known more commonly as just 中國新體操 China’s New Calisthenics), then published in serialized form in 武術 Martial … Continue reading

From the Journal: Psychological Collectivism in Traditional Martial Arts
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    Greetings!  I am currently traveling for some fieldwork on daunbing (short weapons training).  As someone who spends a lot of time researching the Republic era Chinese martial arts, I am excited to finally have a chance to learn… Continue Reading →

Il Maestro 朱向前Zhu Xiangqian (XX gen. Chenjiagou)
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L’Istituto Italiano Taijiquan Tiancai – 意大利天才太极院 è ENTUSIASTA di annunciare che a Maggio il nostro Maestro e direttore tecnico Zhu Xiang Qian tornerà in Italia ad insegnare: in Veneto – Zhu Tiancai Taijiquan, a Fer…

Chinese Martial Arts in the News: February 16th, 2019: All the World’s a Stage
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    Introduction I hope that everyone enjoyed their Lunar New Year.  Its always a time of many public exhibitions and celebrations.  They, in turn, generate an uptick in news coverage of local martial arts practices and well as Lion… Continue Reading →

A Short List of Women Who Shaped the Southern Chinese Martial Arts
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  Introduction Friday morning posts are usually written the day before, and it just so happens that this week’s Thursday falls on Valentine’s Day. That complicates things for reasons that are both understandable and a few which are a little… Continue Reading →

Violence and Peace: Reconsidering the Goals of Martial Arts
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  What is my motivation? Connecting the dots between an individual’s intentions, their actions and subsequent systemic outcomes is more difficult than one might suspect.  Just ask any social scientist. Understanding each of these categories is important if we want… Continue Reading →

Hawkins Cheung and the Making of Modern Wing Chun History
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    Regrets As many readers will already know, Master Hawkins Cheung Hok Jin passed away on Sunday February 3rd 2019, in Los Angeles.  Within the martial arts community regrets take many forms.  One of my great regrets is that I… Continue Reading →

Fighting Talk: Martial Arts Discourse in Mainstream Films – by Paul Bowman
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Presentation from Cardiff University paper available on This article examines conversations, dialogues and statements about martial arts in films that can by no stretch of the imagination be regarded as martial arts films. It takes this unusual focus in … Leggi tutto

Research Note: A Visit with the Jingwu Association in 1928
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  At the moment I am working on a guest editorial project examining Afro-Caribbean and New World martial arts.  It will pose a number of interesting questions and I hope to discuss some of these practices in greater depth.  Unfortunately,… Continue Reading →

Give Me Those Old Time Kung Fu Villains
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    Introduction Antagonists seem to be the critical ingredient that make the martial arts possible. Yet to understand why that is the case we need to start by unpacking a few things.  An immense range of activities fall within… Continue Reading →

Local Resistance and Guoshu: The Foshan Zhong Yi Martial Arts Athletic Association
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      Guoshu in the Pearl River Delta In a recent post I attempted to move away from the triumphalist rhetoric that accompanies many popular discussions of the Guoshu movement and ask how its institutional limitations (rather than its… Continue Reading →

Bringing Northern Styles South: A Brief History of the Lianguang Guoshu Institute
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    Transforming Southern Martial Culture   How did Taijiquan, now ubiquitous, establish itself in Southern China?  What about the other northern Shaolin systems? I would think that the lion’s share of the credit must go to the Jingwu Association… Continue Reading →

Chinese Martial Arts in the News: Dec 10, 2018: Young Masters, Colorful History, Chinese Swords
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  Introduction Its official, holiday madness is upon us. Still, I wanted to comment on some of the more interesting stories that have been floating around. For new readers, this is a semi-regular feature here at Kung Fu Tea in which we review media… Continue Reading →

Varieties of “Tradition”: Work, Play and Leisure in Martial Arts
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  A Different Kind of Race Horse races are strongholds of pageantry and tradition, but when it comes to medieval texture, few can compare with the Palio di Siena. Oddly, any footage of the event reminds me of a critical… Continue Reading →

Wabi-Sabi: Martial Arts in a Warming World
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    Martial Arts and Politics: The Big Picture   The latest (dire) global warming report produced by US government scientists is inspiring conversations everywhere. I overheard a particularly interesting discussion between two colleagues earlier this week which focused not… Continue Reading →

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– 棍進槍 STAFF VERSUS SPEAR 蘭晉如 by Lan Jinru [Chapters 7–10 of An Authentic Description of Shaolin Staff Methods, published Jan, 1930] [translation by Paul Brennan, Nov, 2018] – 第七章 棍進槍 CHAPTER SEVEN [CHAPTERS 7–10]: STAFF VERSUS SPEAR 開門式 第一動作 OPENING POSTURE … Continue reading

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– 棍進槍 STAFF VERSUS SPEAR 蘭晉如 by Lan Jinru [Chapters 7–10 of An Authentic Description of Shaolin Staff Methods, published Jan, 1930] [translation by Paul Brennan, Nov, 2018] – 第七章 棍進槍 CHAPTER SEVEN [CHAPTERS 7–10]: STAFF VERSUS SPEAR 開門式 第一動作 OPENING POSTURE … Continue reading

2018 Christmas Shopping List: Martial Arts Equipment and Long Reads to Get You Through the Winter Months
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  I am not going to lie. The annual Christmas list is my favorite post of the year. So welcome to Kung Fu Tea’s seventh annual holiday shopping list!  Not only are we going to find some cool gift ideas, but hopefully… Continue Reading →

Bruce Lee: Memory, Philosophy and the Tao of Gung Fu
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  ***I am off visiting family over the holiday weekend, so we are headed back to the archives. Since our (American) readers have just celebrated Thanksgiving, I though it would be appropriate to revisit an essay that asks what we… Continue Reading →

Research Notes: Judo’s Triple Transformation in The China Press (1932)
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  Doing the Homework Students of Martial Arts Studies are the fortunate few.  As research areas go, ours is pretty interesting. Yet as I review the literature (even recent publications from big name academic presses), it is clear that many… Continue Reading →

Swords, Visuality and the Construction of China
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  Deciphering an Icon Recently I came across a few of Harrison Forman’s wartime photos, probably taken in the early 1930s, but circulated to newspapers and (re)published in 1938.  While his photos of militia groups following the 8th Route Army (discussed… Continue Reading →

The Last Shall be First: Finding Meaning in the Martial Arts
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    Barnum’s Daughter   I was recently watching the news when I saw a brief segment on “the last” Japanese swordsmith.  The whole things is a little overwrought as there are lots of individuals making swords in Japan today,… Continue Reading →

Of Pens and Swords: Jin Yong’s Journey
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    The Loss of Heroes The Chinese martial arts community has lost two giants.  The death of Rey Chow (who was instrumental in jumpstarting Bruce Lee’s martial arts films) and Louis Cha (who wrote under the name Jin Yong)… Continue Reading →

Through a Lens Darkly (56): New York City’s Kung Fu and the Roaring 1920s
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    Introduction While I have a few connections in New York City’s TCMA community, it has always been my experience that one turns up different sorts of insights by getting out and exploring the terrain on one’s own.  It… Continue Reading →

Martial Classics: The Complete Fist Cannon in Verse
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  Translator’s Note Here is the full translation of the Qi Jiguang’s Fist Method as it appears in the Wubei Zhi, offered as a follow-up to my initial discussion of the challenges of translating this text into English verse. If… Continue Reading →

Chinese Martial Arts in the News: Oct. 22 2018: Archery, Kung Fu Villages and the Lives of Detective Dee
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    Introduction It has been a busy weekend, so this news update will be brief. Nevertheless, I wanted to comment on some of the more interesting stories that have been floating around. For new readers, this is a semi-regular feature here… Continue Reading →

Who “Killed” Kung Fu: Habermas and the Legitimization Crisis within Traditional Martial Arts
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  Zombies The air is distinctly crisp, the end of October is upon us, and Halloween rapidly approaches. Clearly, it is time to talk about zombies.  We seem to go through periods of collective fascination with the image of empty human… Continue Reading →

Salvaging History and Saving the Martial Arts
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  This weekend has been a blur of activity. Friday evening was consumed by the first “open mat” sparring night at the Central Lightsaber Academy (which was a blast), Saturday was devoted to a day-long seminar on Sicilian knife fighting… Continue Reading →

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– 捷拳圖說 A HANDBOOK FOR NIMBLENESS BOXING 傅秀山 by Fu Xiushan [1930] [translation by Paul Brennan, Oct, 2018] – 傅秀山編 by Fu Xiushan: 捷拳圖說 A Handbook for Nimbleness Boxing 馬公愚題 – calligraphy by Ma Gongyu – 國術真魂 The true soul … Continue reading

Seeking Identity with a T-Shirt: Uniforms in the Martial Arts
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  The Varieties of Uniformity   My Monday evening study-group just passes a milestone. Somehow it never even occurred to me that this was on the horizon, though I was the one who (inadvertently) set things in motion.  An acquaintance… Continue Reading →

Corso insegnante base Istituto Italiano Taijiquan Tiancai
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    Corso di formazione per insegnante base di Taijiquan Chen ortodosso di Chenjiagou, Istituto Italiano Taijiquan Tiancai. Il corso è focalizzato e destinato ad una selezione di studenti invitati e candidati per la formazione quali insegnanti di livello base. Aperto … Leggi tutto

A (Taijiquan) Mystery in Yellow
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    Unanswered Questions   Everyone likes a good mystery. They engage, they motivate and (whether we want to admit it or not) they make the hours vanish. That certainly explains at least part of the popularity of historical studies… Continue Reading →

Istituto Italiano Taijiquan Tiancai
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L’associazione rappresenta in Italia l’Istituto Tiancai Taiji, fondato dal maestro Zhu Tiancai per diffondere il suo metodo nel mondo. Il maestro ne è presidente onorario ed il figlio Zhu Xiangqian responsabile tecnico. L’associazione…

Martial Arts and Restoring the Body Politic
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    Are Martial Arts Political?   My friend, Paul Bowman, recently asked the rhetorical question, “Should martial arts be active or passive players in politics?” The question is rhetorical in a double sense. Paul never directly answers his own… Continue Reading →

Aggiornamento ed allenamento collegiale insegnanti
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Sabato 29 Settembre presso “La Tana del Serpente Bianco” a Bondeno (Ferrara) si è svolto un incontro degli insegnanti dell’Istituto Taijiquan Tiancai Italia per un aggiornamento ed allenamento collegiale e per delineare le future atti…

Martial Classics: The Poetry of Motion – Qi Jiguang in Verse
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  ***I hope that the following guest post will be the first entry in a new occasional series here at Kung Fu Tea. While I am neither a linguist or historian of ancient China, I have found myself regularly attending… Continue Reading →

Political Extremism, Violence and Martial Arts
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  A Preamble Everyone knew that the situation was deteriorating, and recent events had sensitized government officials to the growing threat of extremist groups within the area’s largest martial arts networks. Local immigration and a shift in the neighborhood’s religious… Continue Reading →

Chinese Martial Arts in the News: September 24th, 2018: Shaolin, Bull Fights, and So Many New Books….
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    Introduction Welcome to “Chinese Martial Arts in the News.”  I recently finished the heavy lifting on my draft chapter, so I am now returning to a normal posting schedule. Thanks for your collective patience! A (long overdue) news… Continue Reading →

Rethinking Wing Chun’s Opera Rebels
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  ***After a quick return to the blog earlier this week, I have directed my attention back to my other ongoing project.  The good news is that this manuscript chapter just a couple of days from completion. There is a… Continue Reading →

Zhu Tiancai birthday
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Oggi è il compleanno del Gran maestro Zhu Tiancai! Auguri da tuttli gli allievi e gli amici italiani! 今天就是朱天才老师生日!意大利学生朋友都祝生日快乐! Today’s Grandmaster Zhu Tiancai birthday! All Italian disciples and friends wishing a happy birthday!
L’articolo Zhu …

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