China 2011 pics on Digital Journal

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On my Digital Journal I’ve just finished to upload and prepare the galleries and albums of the hundreds of pictures I’ve taken in the trip of this summer in China, from Beijing to Henan, backing to Beijing via Shanxi.

I’m just working on my China 2011 Carnet de Voyage painting, patchworking and writing about the feelings of the travel, that’s were I’ll put myself inside, with the lot of changes, as only any trip to China can do!

The song which I use to listen since I was back is DT Stylee by John & Roy, and perfectly describes by music and lyrics some feelings I gently got from someone of our travel crew, so just quote!

Hitting downtown today, I see you and try to say hey
But you’re tripping over yourself and you’re looking in poor health
You’re a long way from home and you’re standing there all alone
With a half full bottle beside
From the day you’re trying to hide

I admit, this is bothering me as I feel positive energy
But your negative vibe’s taken hold of my mind, body, and soul
I don’t mean no disrespect, I just see all this neglect
And it’s making me feel sad
What’s the life that you have had?

I know this lifestyle is not your first choice
And I know what you’re saying to me is not your only voice
And I know you understand something, that this ain’t no way to be living

I hope one day that you will rise
Out the dark and clear your eyes
See the life you are abusing
Make it good and start again
Find yourself a place to cal home
Somewhere where you’re not alone
Somewhere where you feel good about yourself
Where happiness is your source of wealth



中国2005年 游记笔记本: 第一章,在北京

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中国2005年 游记笔记本: 第一章,在北京, ossia “Cina, 2005 Carnet di Viaggio: capitolo Primo, a Beijing”. Le tavole ed il testo in Francese qui di seguito sono state realizzate per la Biennale di Clermont-Ferrand: tres mercì Frederique pour l’aidée!!!

中国2005年 游记笔记本

中国2005年 游记笔记本

Ce séjour en chine de 2005 a donné lieu à un carnet subdivisé en trois parties : la première partie est consacrée à ma vie à Beijing. La deuxième relate mon voyage, accompagnéé d’amis, au Sichuan et au Yunnan: cette deuxième partie est en cours de finalisation.

La troisième partie correspond à mon retour à Beijing jusqu’à mon départ en Italie.

à Beijing je louai un tout-petit appartement que j’appellais ma “casa stanza”. Ce terme désigne une maison faite d’une seule pièce, dans le quartier de Nan Li Shi Lu, qu’il est un quartier résidentiel et populaire très vivant et vraiment très chinois.

Chaque matin j’allais au parc de Tian Tan Gongyuan pour m’exercer au Taiji Quan et au Wushu (ceci constituait l’une des les raisons pour lesquelles je me suis rendu en Chine ). Durant ce séjour, j’ai rencontré mon maitre Liu Jin Ping et pleins de personnes qui m’ont accueilli comme un fils.

Il tesoro di Brozzi (coincidences)

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Il Tesoro di Brozzi (Coincidences)

Dedicated to 3 of my ex-students in Brozzi neighborhood, when I worked in Duca d’Aosta primary school as Wushu teacher. Once people going stop looking at foreigner communities as social emergency, believing in them as richness, thus may we could find some treasure in each other…

Elisa, coincidences – Heart 2009

Hidden everywhere around us

they’ll be sending us their signals

Up to a word, up to a reaction

within our choices they are…

…they are…

Little coincidences inside every story

Shining through the spirits

Little coincidences bigger then fame and glory

Carrying all the secrets…

Streaming one after the other

in a constant revolution

Shaping the twists and turns of the future

Within our voices they are…

…they are…

Little coincidences inside every story

Shining through the spirits

Little coincidences bigger then fame and glory

Carrying all the secrets…

it feels so strange and though so good…

it’s not about us at all…

it’s something we just can’t control…

it’s a higher… higher law… a higher Law…

Little coincidences inside every story

Shining through the spirits

Little coincidences bigger then fame and glory

Carrying all the secrets…

Little coincidences inside every story

Shining through the spirits

Little coincidences bigger then fame and glory