NGC3521 in LRGB
NGC3521 Galaxy in LRGB 300 seconds subframes, Planewave CDK24 and QHY 600M Pro CMOS at -10C, from Rio Hurtado Valley observatory in Chile, Telescopelive Network.
NGC3521 Galaxy in LRGB 300 seconds subframes, Planewave CDK24 and QHY 600M Pro CMOS at -10C, from Rio Hurtado Valley observatory in Chile, Telescopelive Network.
Trifid Nebula in HOO palette. Single session of 300sec. subframes at -25 C., Planewave CDK24 and QHY 600M Pro, from Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile – Telescopelive network.
Trifid Nebula in SHO, 300sec. subframes at -25 C., Planewave CDK24 and QHY 600M Pro, from Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile – Telescopelive network.
Comet C/2020 ZTF approaching to NGC300 on 2023 October 16th and 17th.
LRGB data integration by 300sec. subframes with Takahashi FSQ-106ED (106 mm) F3.6 and CMOS camera QHY 600M Pro belonging to Telescopelive network.
LRGB records for LBN487 and associated cluster NGC7023 by CMOS camera QHY 600M on Takahashi FSQ-106ED from IC Observatory in Spain, Telescopelive network.
Integration I choose as final and best one obtained by RGB master and Luminance master, both star and starless, post producted in Photoshop in separated layer group with local adjustements and blending mode.
Starless section received Luminance integration at 100% opacity in lighten blending mode; stars Luminance at 10%.
RGB version is just a stunning incredible starting point for image development of this amazing stunning nebula complex.
According to Karina Voggel and Colleagues investigation of 2022 focused about NGC7727 galaxy in Aquarius, as merging of two distinct galaxies, it was evinced that both host a SMBH – super-massive black hole; cfr. Karina T. Voggel, Anil C. Seth, Holger Baumgardt, Bernd Husemann, Nadine Neumayer, Michael Hilker, Renuka Pechetti, Steffen Mieske, Antoine Dumont and Iskren Georgiev, 2022 “First direct dynamical detection of a dual supermassive black hole system at sub-kiloparsec separation” in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol.658: A152 [doi]
Crabtree and Smecker-Hane 1994 researches gave datation of galaxies merging at about 1 billion years ago: cfr. Crabtree Dennis R. and Smecker-Hane Tammy, 1994 “Young Star Clusters and CO Gas in the Galaxy Merger, NGC 7727 (Arp 222)” in American Astronomical Society, 185th AAS Meeting, id.107.14; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 26, p.1499 […18510714C/abstract]
LRGB 300sec subframes recorded between 11/08/2023 and 22/08/2023 by Planewave CDK24 and QHY 600M Pro CMOS camera from Telescoplive network El Sauce Observatory in Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile.
Helix Nebula in narrowband, HOO and SHO palette.
Data retrieve from Telescopelive network, El Sauce Observatory in Chile, Planewave CDK24 with QHY600M Pro CMOS camera, subframes of 300sec recorded between 30/06/2023 and 02/07/2023.
SHO palette integration.
Starless and star composition made in Photoshop, with different fixing and adjustement layers; .psd master for SHO available here, and HOO here.
Comet C/2023 E1 Atlas from Ic Astronomy Observatory, Spain, Takahashi FSQ-106ED (106 mm) F3.6 telescope with CMOS camera QHY600M Pro.
Supernova SN 2023rve in NGC1097, LRGB channels.
Supernova recorded between 13 and 19 September 2023 by Planewave CDK24 and QHY 600M Pro CMOS camera from El Sauce Observatory, Rio Hurtado Vallei in Chile – Telescopelive network;
NGC1097 image without SN2023rve recorded by the same Planewave with CCD Proline FLI PL9000 between 23/02/2023 and 25/11/2022.
CCD subframes star-registred to CMOS (with SN2023rve) for right overlay on mouseover activity.
Photoshop layered masters available here:
Preliminary and quick elaboration of Supernova SN2023rve in NGC1097 galaxy, data from Planewave CDK24 and QHY 600M Pro CMOS camera from Telescopelive.